AWS S3 log format for awstats

For S3 logging, awstats needs its LogFormat set up in the following manner: %other %extra1 %time1 %host %logname %other %method %url %methodurl %code %other %extra2 %bytesd %other %extra3 %refererquot %uaquot %other %other %other %other %other %virtualname %other Amazon’s documentation is available here

Bulk OCRing mixed content and exporting as PDF

This is more written as an aide-memoire to myself than anything. It’s a process I’m currently using for bulk-processing a set of documents of various forms (MS Word, PPT, PDF, LibreOffice etc), converting them all to PDF, running OCR on any embedded images and then sticking the end-result into Elasticsearch via Tika (not documented, plenty documentation elsewhere re this final step).

Example of plotting ECG data using d3

See the UI here Following on from here and here, this is just putting together a couple of blocks from to plot data from the PhysioNet site. Read converting PhysioNet JSON to CSV to import other data sets.