NHS Highland: follow-up

This is in relation / follow-up to this Tweet, regarding PAs being recruited to supervise doctors at Raigmore Hospital, Inverness: On 23/12/2023 the following request was sent to NHS Highland:

GMC FOI re MAPs: follow-up

This is in follow-up to the original request made to the General Medical Council (GMC) in October 2023, regarding the regulation of Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) in the UK. Follow-up, dated 8 December 2023:

HSCS Committee 16/01/24

Roughly transcribed (there may be errors); links open to the Scottish Parliament TV website. Alternative link (YouTube) Committee members: CH: Claire Haughey (Convener) PS: Paul Sweeney (Deputy Convener) SG: Dr Sandesh Gulhane

The Guardian vs. UK GDPR

TL;DR The Guardian were caught collecting user data without consent in LocalStorage (similar to cookies). The Guardian repeatedly denied there was a problem. They’ve now fixed their website. Naughty Guardian. Don’t be like the Guardian.

GMC FOI re MAPs regulation

Request, dated 26 October 2023: In your news article “More information on PAs and AAs” [link], “Our work to introduce regulation of PAs and AAs is wholly funded by direct grant from the DHSC and closely managed to ensure no cross-subsidisation from doctor fees.