Synology Lucene++ Client

Recently I was trying to figure out a way of accessing the “universal search” index available via the Synology UI, in a way that didn’t require logging into the UI itself.

Edinburgh, Taylor Swift and Airbnb

More parasitic price-gouging on the part of Airbnb. Edinburgh is inundated with Airbnb properties; every year the prices keep going up, anyone who doesn’t have piles of cash is priced out, Airbnb reaps £££, nobody wins.

MAPs searches

A set of searches that I tend to undertake a couple of times a week. All UK-based .org domains mentioning PAs in last month All domains mentioning PAs in last week (excluding some news sites / forums) All .

yt-dlp download strings

I use yt-dlp for downloading videos from YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, etc. A full list of all the “extractors” is available here. Here are some of the download strings I use:

Doctors are fed up: the stats

Happy leap-year-day? My attention was drawn to this piece from Full Fact: So I sumbitted a request to the Australian Department of Home Affairs for the following information: Number of General Migration (subclasses 189, 190 and 491) and Employer Sponsor Migration (subclasses 186, 187 and 482) visa applications lodged, granted, refused and on hand from 2013 to 2023 (inclusive), by year, for applicants with British nationality or applying from the UK, for Medical Practitioner ANZSCO 253.