Divisions and branches of trigeminal nerve

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Notes of interest
Buccal comes from bucca: Lat, ‘puffed, filled out cheek’1. Related to the rather wonderful word bucculentus, “having fat cheeks”2; which in turn gives its name to Caranx bucculentus, “wide-mouthed trevally”, a fish with a rather large mouth3.
Apparently the Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine, 4me edition suspects a Celtic origin, because it resembles beccus ‘beak’2.
http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wordz.pl?keyword=bucca ↩︎
Etymological Dictionary of Latin, edited by: Michiel de Vaan (Ph.D. 2002). Consulted online on 15/05/2020 https://dictionaries.brillonline.com/search#dictionary=latin&id=la0178 First published online: October 2010. ↩︎ ↩︎
“Bluespotted trevally,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bluespotted_trevally&oldid=950569724 (accessed May 16, 2020). ↩︎